The Wellness Collective

Better People. Better Companies.

The more capable your employees are of personal growth, the more capable your company is as well.

That is why companies who care about employee health and wellness in every area of life see better retention, sustainable growth, more internal promotion, and overall more happiness and productivity at work.

Until now, investing in state of the art wellness programs and benefits was for large companies who could scale costs across hundreds and thousands of people, and organizations with more cash flow than they knew what do with it. But times are changing.

With participation in the Wellness collective you can build on your company culture with more than just ping pong tables, catered lunches, and family parties. You can actually invest into what matters most to them. Happiness.

What is the Wellness Collective
The wellness collective is the participation of small to medium sized companies in a shared wellness program.

Participating companies reduce time and expenses and improve quality in investing in the health, wellness, and happiness of their employees.

  • Executives in the participating companies participate in peer to peer master mind groups focused on improving culture, health, wellness, and employee development.
  • Managers receive training on how to facilitate a healthy workplace
  • All employees, company officers, and executives have access to health and wellness coaching, online training, resources for families, and more.

The overall goal of, The Wellness Collective, is to improve the capacity of individual growth for each person, so that the each person is capable of making unique and significant contributions toward the growth of the organization.

How do companies participate?
Companies participate by subscribing to a free, basic, or premium subscription. Subscriptions include quarterly events and activities, monthly health and wellness challenges, executive round tables, online training and learning courses, private and group health coaching, and Fractional Chief Wellness Officer services.


What is included?
Subscribing companies receive: 

All Employees

  • Monthly Wellness Webinar
  • Monthly Wellness Newsletter Personalized To The Company
  • Monthly Challenge Participation
  • Slack Group Invitation
  • Wellness Fair Tickets For The Whole Family
  • Annual Service Project
  • Discounted Health Coaching (HSA Payment Accepted)
  • Online Learning Courses



  • Quarterly Round Table Discussion and Networking
  • Quarterly Adventure Day
  • Monthly Chief Wellness Officer Retainer
  • Annual Retreat Invitation

Not all benefits are available at all subscription levels. Please contact us for details.


What categories of health are targeted?
Our courses, events, experiences and coaching all have an integrative health and wellness approach. We operate from a mindset that each area of health is inter connected and helps or hurts the categories depending on how well we invest  (or don’t) into that category.

We want to give people the skills and tools to confidently overcome the hard stuff in life, so they can ambitiously focus on becoming their best self in the personal life and at work. When this happens, their capability to grow expands exponentially.

Area of health and wellness we target are:

  • Brain Health and Cognitive Training
  • Mental and Emotional Health
  • Physical Health
  • Improving Personal and Work Relationships
  • Goal Setting and Accomplishment
  • Growth Mindset
  • Staying grounded to personal values and beliefs



To Get Started Call Us At (801) 200-1277 or fill out the form below.